Finger Style Guitar




10 Weeks


Jamie Findlay

Course Overview

Course Description:
• For the beginner to the more intermediate student, or for anyone wanting to get to the basics of Finger-style guitar. Students will explore and discover various finger-style patterns in a variety of styles, including Classical, Folk, Country, Jazz, Latin, Pop, as well as learn basic applications to single note and chordal application.

Learning Outcomes:
• Students will learn Basic Finger-style Patterns applied to folk, country, and pop music
• Students will choose two of five songs to work on and perform over the course of 10 weeks
• Students will demonstrate the ability to perform ‘bottom line exercises’ on a weekly basis

Class Requirements:
• Class attendance
• Guitar for class (preferable acoustic, but not necessary)
• Desire to improve overall ability on Guitar
• Passion to advance in a variety of styles and approaches on guitar

Songs you will play in this course:
The Boxer
‘Blowin’ in the Wind
Walking Basslines Freight Train Bach Pieces
Prelude Allegro Assai Minuet Jesu…
Johnny Cash Bossa Nova
with alt. bassline Samba
with alt. bass line


Section 1: Emphasis on Right Hand Technique

Section 1: Emphasis on Right Hand Technique
• Week 1
◦ Right Hand Fingering, understand P-I-M-A and apply sequences and Right hand patterns.
◦ Finger Picking patterns
◦ Romanza, 1st Part
◦ Giuliani Right Hand Study 1 & 2
• Week 2
◦ Scale Patterns
◦ Play scale patterns with variety of Rt. hand patterns
◦ Practice Chord-Scale-Arpeggio-Chord standard Exercise
◦ Giuliani Right Hand Study 3 & 4
•  Week 3
◦ Alternating Basslines applied to basic Chord Structures and Song
◦ Progressions
◦ Freight Train – Elizabeth Cotton
◦ Romanza, 2nd Part
◦ Giuliani Right Hand Study 11 & 12

Section 2: Emphasis on Song Style and Repertoire

Section 2: Emphasis on Song Style and Repertoire
• Week 4
◦ JS Bach (Minuet in G, Jesu, Joy of Man’s… prelude in C)
◦ Here Comes the Sun
◦ Giuliani Right Hand Study 7 & 8
◦ Basslines with Chords – 2 beat
• Week 5
◦ Here Comes the Sun – variations
◦ Giuliani Right Hand Study 20 & 24
◦ Basslines with Chords – walking
• Week 6
◦ Layla – Eric Clapton
◦ Review
◦ Giuliani Right Hand Study 28 & 29

Section 3: Emphasis on Performance

Section 3: Emphasis on Performance
• Week 7
◦ The Boxer
◦ Latin and Brazilian feel
◦ Giuliani Right Hand Study 31 & 32
◦ Bach Violin excerpt ‘allegro assai’ & ‘Suite 6 Prelude”
• Week 8
◦ Girl from Ipanema
◦ One Note Samba
◦ Giuliani Right Hand Study 39 & 51
• Week 9
◦ Giuliani Right Hand Study 52 & 54
◦ Review and preparation for final performances

Final Recital

Final Recital
• Week 10
◦ Student chooses a song (or songs) to perform for their final performance, with approval of instructor.

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